The goals of the transition program are to ensure seamless transitions for students as they emerge from high school by providing information, resources and guidance as they choose adult services and support systems within our community.
We offer the following services:
- Needs assessments
- Opportunities to increase students’ access to adult services
- Education for students, families and school staff members about life after high school
- Parent informational nights
- Individual parent and student meetings
- Assistance for schools in setting up transition programs
Participants benefit from an increased knowledge of opportunities available to help them attain better outcomes beyond high school. The transition program is available to students with disabilities ages 14 through 22 in the Indianapolis area. Each participant must have an IEP or 504 plan with the expectation of receiving a certificate of completion or high school diploma.

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
The Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) program started statewide in October of 2016 as a result of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which requires vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to use federal funds to provide pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities. It’s an ongoing initiative — rather than a time-limited grant — with funding from Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
The Pre-ETS program serves students between the ages of 14 and 22. These students are eligible for, or receiving, special education services through the Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Career coaches and other Pre-ETS contractors work with students and school staff members year-round to identify students’ needs and guide the way toward educational and professional opportunities.
Pre-ETS includes, but is not limited to, five core services: job exploration counseling; work-based learning experiences; counseling on post-secondary opportunities; workplace readiness training; and instruction in self-advocacy. Career coaches work with students one-on-one or in groups to introduce them to these services and determine which ones, all or only a few, will fit their needs and goals.

Community Hospital Internship Program for Students (CHIPS)
The Community Hospital Internship Program for Students (CHIPS) at Community Hospital South is a collaborative effort of the following:
- State of Indiana, Family & Social Services Administration/Office of Vocational Rehabilitation – Funder
- Community Health Network – Training Site and Employer
- Easterseals Crossroads – Job Coaching and Job Accommodations Provider
- Perry Township Schools
- Center Grove Schools
This new program for high school students with disabilities is a comprehensive, one-semester community and work-based learning program designed to give high school students with disabilities the opportunity to access meaningful employment and career planning activities to facilitate the seamless transition from high school to employment or post-secondary training. The primary objective is to prepare students to be as work ready as possible upon exit from high school.
For more information about Transition Services, contact us.