Published On: August 25, 2016

Employment Consultants are top producers

The Employment Division at Easterseals Crossroads is a community resource for businesses, employers and job candidates. We work with qualified individuals who are seeking employment and we match their abilities to open employment opportunities.
Our employment consultants work directly with job candidates and potential employers; they are highly skilled in analyzing necessary qualifications for job success and they work diligently to make successful outcomes.
Two employment consultants have been honored as being top producers within the division this year – Sherri Negri and Marlene Martin.
Sherri Negriphoto of Sherri Negri
Sherri has worked at Easterseals Crossroads for over a year now and she has been an employment consultant for eight years. Sherri assists individuals in finding employment that fits within their interests, backgrounds and skills set. This means everything from entry level positions to seasoned professionals.
Sherri has found that many businesses in our community know our brand name and that this recognition often helps open doors for discussion. She is quick to tell employers who are not aware of us that our candidates are pre-screened for employment by a team of qualified consultants and that we have a high level of long-term job retention among our candidates.
“I love helping individuals seek out and achieve their goals and dreams to live a more fulfilling life,” said Sherri. Sherri typically works with 20 – 25 individuals seeking employment during any given month.
One dream job that Sherri recently helped someone achieve was a culmination of this person’s goals and interests, which included teaching, advocacy and office work. Together, they researched opportunities and discovered that a career in mental health required her skills set and interest level. The consumer completed some necessary coursework, applied for some open positions and was thrilled to obtain her dream job shortly after.
Marlene Martinphoto of marlene martin
Marlene has been an employment consultant at Easterseals Crossroads for over 2 years and has over 20 years of experience in the field.
Marlene loves to meet and help people find jobs to sustain them in their daily living. She has helped people find employment in professional positions such as government offices and other organizations; service positions in restaurants and dining halls; and industrial and janitorial positions in stores and the hospitality industry. She finds that much of our community is very aware of the excellent reputation that Easter Seals Crossroads has earned; this helps her learn of employment opportunities that are available.
“I am here to help future employers; my goal is to make their jobs easier by offering training and support services to my job candidates,” said Marlene.
Marlene’s best advice to individuals seeking employment is to learn how to handle an interview well and maintain a positive attitude. Being able to excel during an interview often lands a person the job and the positive attitude often helps maintain that job.
Last year, our Employment Division assisted in placing 145 people with disabilities into permanent positions and arranged 83 internships with community employers. Thanks to the hard work of consultants like Marlene and Sherri, we are often the number one choice for businesses seeking qualified job candidates.